Saturday, November 2, 2013

Trailer actor lands role with Tom Hanks as a Navy Seal in "Captain Phillips"

"There's plenty more out at the blockhouse. Now I'm wonderin'..fightin' men, of Ft. Henry...I'm wondering which of you has the courage to go and fetch it!" - Dave Meadows as Jonathan Zane in the Betty Zane: Legend of Ft. Henry Trailer.

We knew this guy was going to be good! Head out to the local theater and see Dave make his big screen debut alongside Tom Hanks in "Captain Phillips". In the movie, Dave appears as one of the Navy Seals who boards Captain Phillips' boat in pursuit of the pirates. He also has some screen time as a military operator in the command center. Congratulations, Dave, on your appearance in your first Hollywood feature film! We'll hold your role as John Zane until your schedule frees up ;)

Getting closer...

We've managed to pick up some new private sponsorships. For those of you who have cared enough to contribute Thanks so much! It's always great to see that goal total go up!

We've also put in for a WV state media grant for the humanities. We will be hearing as to the status of that grant within the next few months. In the meantime, we've been doing local radio and trying to spread the word about the project far and wide. we'd like to ask everyone who is so inclined to continue helping us to do so. Thanks!